Sunday, June 3, 2007

Listen carefully.

strangers in open cars † a growing encyclopaedia of songs you might love and reasons you might love them. [Eurythmics: 'Love is a stranger in an open car / to tempt you in and drive you far away']

lights in the woods † essays discussing special topics in modern music. [OE myth of Puck, a mischievous nature spirit who would lead folk astray with echoes and lights in the nighttime woods]

living by fiction † quotations chosen for their correlation to strangers in open cars tracks, to remind that a great song and a great work of literature are equally vital and equally sustaining. [Annie Dillard: Living By Fiction]

petites madeleines † an accreting sampler of semi-autobiographical memories kept alive by the music that accompanied them. [Proust: Swann's Way, in which a French tea cake causes the hero's life to vividly replay in his memory]

why don't you? † celebrations of the mixtape as a transcendent exercise. [Diana Vreeland: 'Why Don't You...?' column for Bazaar, listing both exotic and banal style suggestions]

zee zee zee zum zum † a weekly list of buzz-worthy tracks, often newly released. [Wire: 'Zee zee zee, zum zum / Buzz buzz, buzz buzz in the eardrum']

ecce iterum Crispinus † a self-effacing way of introducing a vague profile. [Juvenal: (Latin) here's that fellow Crispinus again; here's that bore again]

Puck & Baedeker radio † great music should be seen and heard. [Live365 distributes royalties to the artists we play]