Thursday, October 25, 2007


Pointer Sisters' 'Slow hand' always reminds him of the first strained attempt his father made to explain sexual innuendo to him, only to realize that his son was as naive as a turnip truck passenger.

His family was in the habit of taking a cottage at the beach in North Carolina in August of each year. As a victim of car sickness, one of the few pleasures he could find on road trips like those was the radio; he and his sister would sing along with anything they knew. During the summer in question, 'Slow hand' reached number two on the pop charts, and they must have heard it several times on the drive to North Carolina.

At that time, strong melody and the pure pop production was most likely to earn his admiration, and 'Slow hand' definitely has both in spades. When they arrived at the beach, he continued to sing what little of the song he could remember, which was the chorus. (I want a man with a slow hand / I want a lover with an easy touch / I want somebody who will spend some time / Not come and go in a heated rush...) This did not sit well with his parents, and his father was dispatched to take him on a walk along the beach to sort things out.

Very little was sorted out to his father's satisfaction, because his son honestly had no understanding of the subtext to what he was singing, and dad couldn't decide whether it was better to leave his son's innocence intact, or to open one of the ultimate cans of worms.

He came away from the conversation knowing that his father didn't want him to sing the song, but thinking it a silly, unfounded request, but at the same time suspecting that there was something indecipherably sleazy about 'Slow hand'. He wished he could crack the code. He considers it to be the spontaneous beginning of his sexual education.